الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Unlocking MENA’s Thriving Investment Opportunities at the EFG Hermes 10th Annual London Investor Conference Esteemed Leaders to Explore

EFG Hermes, an EFG Holding Company and the leading investment bank in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), announces the commencement of the 10th EFG Hermes Annual London Investor Conference, scheduled to take place from September 9th to 12th at the iconic Emirates Stadium in London. This year’s conference, themed “A New Era of Opportunities,” aims to delve into the profound potential emerging in key sectors across the global economy, offering participants unparalleled insights and connections in a rapidly evolving landscape.
The plenary session on September 10th will showcase a distinguished lineup of speakers, including a welcome note by Karim Awad, Group CEO of EFG Holding, followed by a panel discussion featuring Abdulaziz Abdulmohsen Bin Hassan, Board Commissioner of the Capital Market Authority (CMA) and Mohammed Al-Rumaih, CEO of the Saudi Exchange. They will participate in a panel discussion titled “Shaping Tomorrow: Insights from Saudi Arabia’s Capital Markets Leaders,” moderated by Ramia Farrage, Senior Producer and Presenter at Forbes Middle East. The following day on September 11th, will feature a fireside chat with Mohamed Farid, Executive Chairman of the Egyptian Financial Regulatory Authority, titled “Regulations as a Catalyst for Growth: Unleashing Innovation in Capital Markets, Insuretech, and Fintech” moderated by Carina Kamel, Senior Correspondent and Presenter at Al Arabiya TV in London. The esteemed leaders will explore the latest developments and innovations in capital markets, regulations, and Fintech that have successfully attracted investments, fostered liquidity, and spurred growth. Their insights will shed light on the strategies driving these advancements, highlighting how a dynamic regulatory environment and forward-thinking initiatives have enhanced the positioning of their respective markets as destinations for investment opportunities. This discussion promises to provide valuable perspectives on the evolving landscape and its implications for future economic expansion.
This year the conference will play host to over 102 presenting companies across various sectors with 590 guests from around the world, with institutional investors and fund managers from over 138 global investment firms.
Karim Awad, Group CEO of EFG Holding, remarked, “We are at a critical juncture in the MENA region, where structural reforms, technological advancements, and strategic policy changes are converging to create a more evolved landscape for investment. The London Investor Conference comes at a time when the region is becoming a focal point for global investors, driven by diversified economic initiatives and robust financial markets. This event is a platform that facilitates the exchange of ideas, forges partnerships, and uncovers opportunities that align with the region’s long-term growth trajectory. Our role is to ensure that our clients, partners, and stakeholders are positioned to capitalize on these emerging trends, as the MENA region continues to expand its influence on the global stage.”
The MENA region is demonstrating remarkable economic resilience amidst global uncertainties, with the latest projections from the IMF showing a strengthening in GDP growth from 2% in 2023 to 2.8% in 2024, and further accelerating to 4.2% in 2025. This improvement is underpinned by easing inflationary pressures, attributed to declining global commodity prices and proactive policy measures. The overall economic outlook for the Middle East indicates a robust recovery, with inflation nearing historical averages in many MENA economies. Oil exporters are expected to see growth of 2.9% in 2024, a notable increase from 1.9% in 2023, driven by higher-than-anticipated oil production and resilient non-hydrocarbon sectors.
Mohamed Ebeid, Co-CEO of EFG Hermes, an EFG Holding company, said, “Local and international investors are increasingly recognizing the potential for substantial returns in the MENA region across sectors that were once overlooked. The momentum we are seeing is fueled by structural reforms, market enhancements, and the rise of new industries such as fintech and renewable energy. As we embrace innovation and sustainability, our role as a catalyst is crucial in bridging the gap between global investors and regional opportunities. This conference will create a space where insightful discussions and impactful connections can translate into tangible investment outcomes, fostering economic resilience and inclusive growth. By leveraging collaboration and shared vision, we aim to shape a prosperous and sustainable future for the region, unlocking untapped potential and driving transformative change.”
This conference comes on the heels of EFG Hermes’ highly successful One-on-One Conference in Dubai, the London Investor Conference is poised to build on this success, fostering vital connections between regional listed companies and institutional investors worldwide.

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