الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Contact Opens Its First Branch in Dubai and Launches “Contact Credit” as Part of Its Regional and International Expansion


Contact Financial Holding, Egypt’s leading non-banking financial services provider, has taken a significant step toward international expansion by opening its first branch in Dubai and establishing “Contact Credit” in the UAE. This expansion aims to offer a wide range of financing and insurance services to Egyptians residing in the UAE, making it easier for them to finance assets and access insurance services in Egypt without the need to travel.
The new office is located in Dubai’s prestigious Business Bay area, reflecting Contact’s commitment to delivering high-quality services to its clients from a strategic location in the heart of the city. Business Bay is a vibrant hub for major businesses and companies, aligning with Contact’s vision of international growth and elevating its services to a global standard.
The new office was officially opened on September 9, 2024, with Mr. Said Zater, CEO of Contact Financial Holding, and His Excellency Dr. Hossam Hussein Ismail, the Consul General of Egypt in Dubai and the Northern Emirates, in attendance. The event also featured prominent figures, officials from the UAE, and senior members of Contact’s management. Distinguished members of the Egyptian community in the UAE were also present. The opening was widely covered by UAE media, underscoring the importance of this milestone in enhancing Contact’s international presence.
Through this new branch, Egyptians in the UAE can now contract and pay locally for a wide range of financing services, including cars, home appliances, mortgages, home renovation, club memberships, motorcycles, watercraft, green finance, interior design, and furniture, as well as financing for weddings and special events. The company also offers financing options for Hajj and Umrah trips. Additionally, Contact provides insurance services through its subsidiaries “Contact Insurance Brokerage,” “Sarwa Insurance,” and “Sarwa Life” to cater to the diverse needs of clients in Egypt.
Commenting on the expansion, Mr. Said Zater said, “The opening of our new branch in Dubai is a key strategic milestone that underscores our commitment to supporting Egyptians abroad with exceptional financial and insurance services. We are optimistic about the success of this initial step in our international growth. Following our successful launch in Dubai, we plan to expand into other Arab countries, especially within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and are also exploring opportunities in European markets.”
He added, “At Contact, we are always dedicated to standing by our clients wherever they are. Today, with our presence in Dubai, Egyptians living in the UAE no longer need to take time off and travel to Egypt to finance a car or pay their children’s education fees. We are here to make everything more accessible and easier.”
To celebrate the opening, Contact is offering a special promotion for Egyptians residing in the UAE, with a 50% discount on administrative fees for a limited time, making financial and insurance services even more convenient and affordable.

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