الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Standard Chartered Delivers First Multi-Country Sustainability-Linked Trade Finance Facility to Siemens Energy

First Multi Country sustainability-linked facilities in the Middle East, Pakistan and Africa

Standard Chartered announced today the successful launch of the first multi-country sustainability-linked trade finance facility for Siemens Energy, spanning eight markets across the Middle East, Africa, and Pakistan.

This initiative ties trade finance to measurable sustainability targets, integrating performance-based incentives related to reducing GHG emissions and total recordable injury rate of the Company. Covering Guarantees and Letters of Credit, the structure supports Siemens Energy’s broader corporate objectives while introducing a new model for responsible trade finance.

Roberto Hoornweg, Co-Head of Global Corporate & Investment Banking division and CEO of Europe, Americas, Africa & Middle East at Standard Chartered Standard, said: “This partnership is a testament to our commitment to delivering financial solutions that go beyond standard business practices. By linking trade finance to performance-based sustainability measures, we are driving financial innovation while supporting our clients in achieving their sustainability ambitions, therefore setting a new benchmark for responsible trade finance.”

Robert McAnally, SVP-Head of Treasury & Corporate Finance at Siemens Energy, added: “Sustainability is at the core of our mission, and embedding it into our financial operations is a crucial step towards achieving our long-term environmental and social goals. This facility enables us to enhance transparency, drive measurable impact, and accelerate our transition target to cleaner energy solutions across key markets. Partnering with Standard Chartered allows us to align financial strategy with our broader sustainability ambitions, creating lasting value for our stakeholders.”

The sustainability-linked trade finance structure reflects the increasing need for financial solutions that drive both business efficiency and responsible growth. By embedding performance-based incentives, this facility not only provides Siemens Energy with the flexibility to manage its trade finance requirements effectively but also encourages sustainable business practices. It is part of Standard Chartered’s broader strategy to develop innovative financial structures that help businesses adapt to evolving market conditions while reinforcing long-term value creation.

As businesses adapt to evolving market dynamics, this facility serves as a blueprint for integrating sustainability-linked mechanisms into trade finance. Standard Chartered continues to pioneer innovative solutions that help businesses align profitability with purpose.

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