الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Kaspersky draws a portrait of young users: Can’t live without gadgets, but have little safety guidance

According to a recent Kaspersky survey*, 88% of parents surveyed in Egypt use gadgets to entertain and occupy their children while traveling or to gain some free time for themselves. Moreover, over half (55%) of children in Egypt receive their first personal device – a smartphone or tablet – quite early, at the age of 3-7 years. However, nearly a quarter of respondents in Egypt (22%) have not discussed Internet safety rules with their children. This means that some of the children, who are often left one-on-one with their devices, are not always aware of how to behave safely online.

The children themselves admit that gadgets play a significant role in their lives. According to their own admission, 84% in Egypt cannot live without their gadgets. Smartphones, tablets and laptops are at the top of the list of the most desirable devices for children. This emphasizes the critical need for children to understand that they can be exposed to threats online, what this means and how to safely navigate this through appropriate device rules and guidelines.

“Most parents give their children gadgets in order to entertain them, spare some time for themselves or calm down their kids. However, children shouldn’t use digital devices uncontrolled. Rather parents should monitor their child’s digital life better. This can be done by limiting screen time and holding conversations, however, a security solution is also needed”, comments Seifallah Jedidi, Head of Consumer Channel in the Middle East, Turkiye and Africa at Kaspersky.

“Applying parental control is not showing distrust to your child; it’s a sensible precaution with which you can, among other things, protect the device and the data on it. It allows parents to control which sites their children visit and which games they play, as well as disallowing file downloads, blocking access to content on unwanted topics and preventing the disclosure of confidential information. This way, Kaspersky’s technologies help protect finances and confidential data from cybercriminals, and protect children from the risks that may lurk in the online environment”, he adds.

Kaspersky suggests protecting children with the following proactive measures:

  • Parents can create a safer online environment for their children by staying informed about the latest threats and actively monitoring their children’s online activities.
  • It’s crucial for parents to have open communication with their children about the potential risks they may encounter online and to enforce strict guidelines to ensure their safety.
  • To secure your child from downloading any malicious files during their online experiences, we advise installing a trusted security solution on their device.
  • With the right tools such as Kaspersky’s digital parenting app Safe Kids, parents can effectively safeguard their children against cyber threats in the digital space.

* The survey was conducted by Toluna research agency at the request of Kaspersky in 2023. The study sample included 10000 online interviews (5000 parent-child pairs, with children aged 3 to 17 years) in 5 countries: Türkiye, South Africa, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

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