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فاطمة مهران

Ukr Armo Tech Debuts at IDEX 2025 Showcasing Advanced Armored Vehicles

 Ukr Armo Tech, a newly established Ukrainian defense manufacturer, is making its international debut at IDEX 2025, marking a significant step toward expanding its global presence in the military industry. The company, which has primarily served the domestic market since its launch during wartime, is now introducing its innovative light armored vehicles to international buyers and defense stakeholders.

“We find IDEX to be an incredibly valuable platform for connecting with suppliers, potential customers, and other key industry players,” said Yuliya Bondarenko, Manager at Ukr Armo Tech. in an interview with IRIS MEDIA : “As our first venture into the international market, we are eager to explore new opportunities and build lasting partnerships,” she added.
At the exhibition, Ukr Armo Tech showcases two of its flagship armored vehicle models: the GYURZA 2 and Tisa. The GYURZA 2 is a heavier, custom-built military chassis designed for enhanced battlefield performance, while the Tisa offers a more lightweight and highly mobile solution. Both models have garnered significant interest from official delegations, military personnel, and industry leaders attending IDEX 2025.
Bondarenko also unveiled initial discussions made with interested parties. “We have signed some agreements, and we are optimistic about the potential for more substantial collaborations in the near future,” she stated.
With Ukraine’s reputation as a global leader in military manufacturing, Ukr Armo Tech sees potential for market expansion in the Gulf region. “It is a highly competitive market, but our products have been extensively tested in real combat conditions, giving us a significant advantage,” Bondarenko added.
“The Ukrainian battlefield has become a proving ground for cutting-edge military technology, and we believe this experience positions us strongly for international demand,” she concluded.
As IDEX 2025 continues, Ukr Armo Tech remains committed to forging strategic partnerships and demonstrating the reliability and innovation of Ukrainian military engineering on a global stage.

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