الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران


 Wizz Air, EMEA’s most environmentally sustainable airline , is excited to announce a significant upgrade to its onboard services by transitioning to a cashless payment system. Starting April 1st, 2025, all onboard purchases will be processed exclusively through card payments, including contactless methods such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Android Pay, and Google Pay.

Wizz Air is proud to expand its payment options by now accepting Revolut cards, in addition to VISA and Mastercard, both credit and debit. This enhancement aims to provide passengers with greater convenience and a seamless travel experience.

As part of Wizz Air’s partnership with Revolut, all new Revolut users will be able to earn up to €25 back after they sign up and spend their first €5 with Revolut . Revolut Pay customers are also able to earn RevPoints – Revolut’s loyalty programme – and redeem on Revolut Pay purchases or Wizz Air flights . Until 4 April 2025, customers who pay for Wizz Air flights using Revolut Pay can earn 10x more RevPoints on their purchases (T&Cs apply).

With cashless payments, Wizz Air passengers will be able to easily make purchases without the need to carry cash, simplifying and speeding up the on-board service process. This fast and convenient system ensures a hassle-free shopping experience, allowing travelers to enjoy their journey without the worry of dealing with change or last-minute currency exchange queues. The shift to cashless transactions also naturally enhances hygiene, as crew members no longer need to handle cash, contributing to a cleaner and safer travel environment.

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