الرئيس التنفيذي
أشرف الحادي

رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Provident Estate Hosted The Biggest Sales Event Of 2022, With Internationally Renowned And Award Winning Sales Trainer Daniel G.

The new and exciting growth and development talks created by Provident Estate kicked off this September.

 On September 14th, Provident Estate leveled up the sales training game. The launch of Provident X talks saw the company host the biggest sales event in Dubai this year. The real estate company’s new initiative, Provident X, will host seminars, conferences, and training workshops to make sure that their employees continuously receive the greatest training possible.

The event started out with a talk presented by Liesa Euton. With 30 years of experience, Liesa brought a wealth of knowledge to the conference. She offered tailored training solutions to enhance both professional and interpersonal skills of all attendees. She also assisted the attendees in considering long-term objectives and channeling the correct energy in order to attain the most, by presenting 10 points for a successful mindset. The morning continued with commentary from Dr. Anand Menon. This part of the day was also devoted to ensuring attendees developed their own mindsets whilst also discovering new skills. Dr. Anand’s presentation, which included the story of Sylvester Stallone, stressed the value of pushing oneself, the need to never give up and the power of resilience.

The main event of the day was led by Daniel Guaragna, the founder of ‘World Class Sales Agency’ who was also acknowledged as ‘number 1 sales trainer worldwide’ in 2021. The renowned speaker provided guidance on how to enhance a broker’s sales approach and master the technicalities of selling.

The attendees discovered the necessity to develop their own personal brand, how to set rigorous but exciting goals, maintain discipline, alongside a plethora of additional practices. Daniel G ensured that every attendee felt inspired and motivated during his session by revealing strategies on how to keep clients engaged on the phone or even how to cover objectives prior to them arising. Before the event came to a close, the floor opened up to allow attendees to ask Daniel G any questions they had. The interactive session was a way that attendees could get specific 1-2-1 advice to favourably affect their growth as a broker.

Amongst the 100+ attendees were Provident Estate employees, developers and brokers from other agencies across Dubai. Hosting this event displayed that Provident Estate are not only committed to the growth and development of their own employees but also to ensure the market is in unity and that everybody is looking to achieve success within the industry.

With real estate being one of the most sought-after and adaptive industries in Dubai, it is essential that Provident Estate develop a culture that will enable employees to strive for success in a supportive environment. Being a close-knit family holds high value to the company and they ensure that they invest in each employee’s growth and development to guarantee they have a life fulfilling career.

On Friday, September 23rd , from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Provident Estate is hosting an open day for those seeking a game-changing career in a highly lucrative industry at the Head Office in Marina Plaza, 1802.

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