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رئيس التحرير
فاطمة مهران

Event featured speakers from Standard Chartered and Bloomberg Intelligence

Standard Chartered hosts event on emerging markets trends

 Standard Chartered hosted a discussion with Bloomberg Intelligence on the key trends impacting emerging markets.

The conversation focused on how geopolitics, capital flows, rising interest rates and an upcoming US election are expected to play a role on markets this year. The event featured speakers from Standard Chartered and Bloomberg, including Dr Boutros Klink, Middle East CEO, Standard Chartered, Damian Sassower, Chief Emerging Markets Fixed Income Strategist, Bloomberg Intelligence, Ziad Daoud, Chief Emerging Market Economist, Bloomberg Economics, and Edmond Christou, Senior Equity Analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence.

The event explored the transformations occurring in emerging markets against the backdrop of a continuously transforming economic and geopolitical landscape, and outlook and expectations for 2024.

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